80th Birthday 2024
60 years 2022

75th Birthday 2019
55 years 2017
70th Birthday 2014
50 years 2012
65th Birthday 2009

45 years 2007
60th Birthday 2004
40 years 2002
35 years 1997
30 years 1992
25 years 1987
20 years 1982
15 years 1977
10 years 1972

If you have any information or pictures for any reunion, please click here to send email Roger Petersen

25th Reflections - 1987

Fellow Classmates

As trite as it sounds, it sure doesn't seem like twenty-five years since graduation. The years go by so quickly we often do not take the time to look at where we have been or where we are going.

The Reunion Committee choose "Reflections" as the theme of our 25th. Anniversary celebration of the graduation of the great class of 1962. "Reflections" best sums up our feelings as we look from 1962 to 1987 and the many events which have taken place.

The class book was organized and typed by Lois Bradley Coombs and Gay Whitcomb Hannell. Joy Thurnau Jensen arranged for all printing as well as the dinner. Ruth Reimer Kummet was in charge of the decorations and entertainment. Carol Watts Tobin handled the picnic catering as well as the Class Book Ads.

Your Reunion Committee is made up of the following: Dave & Lois Coombs, Gay Hannell, Carol Tobin, Ruth Kummet, Phil Kenyon, Kurt Kasules, Kirk Kirkland, Leroy Fitzsimmons and myself.

Mike Kenyon