
If you have any suggestions, questions, or comments please click here to send email to Roger Petersen

Phone numbers and email addresses for committee members are listed below.

Thank you!

Your Reunion Class Committee

Mike Kenyon

Gay Whitcomb (Hannell)

Carol Watts (Tobin)

Roger Petersen

Blanche Condill (Freund)

Jerry Conn

Current Committee Members
Name Phone E-Mail
Mike Kenyon 847-742-0198 [email protected]
Gay Whitcomb (Hannell) 224-569-3188 [email protected]
Carol Watts (Tobin) 847-888-2073 [email protected]
Roger Petersen 630-941-9332 [email protected]
Blanche Condill (Freund) 847-669-5443 [email protected]
Jerry Conn 630-715-1392 [email protected]
Past Committee Members
Lois Bradley (Coombs)
Diane Burdsall (Conn )
Kurt Kasules
Phil Kenyon
Joy Thurnau (Jensen)
Karen Vogt (Ford)