80th Birthday 2024
60 years 2022

75th Birthday 2019
55 years 2017
70th Birthday 2014
50 years 2012
65th Birthday 2009

45 years 2007
60th Birthday 2004
40 years 2002
35 years 1997
30 years 1992
25 years 1987
20 years 1982
15 years 1977
10 years 1972

If you have any information or pictures for any reunion, please click here to send email Roger Petersen


45th year Reunion - 2007

August 18, 2007
Holiday Inn, I-90 & Route 31, Elgin, IL

Fellow Classmates,

We recently attended Jacquelynn Richardson's graduation, our granddaughter as well as she is Henry and Judy (Kawa) Richardson's granddaughter. Naturally it rained but no problem it was inside at the new Sears Center, Hoffman Estates. Each student's name flashed over a lighted board during the ceremony.

I can remember some bits and pieces of our graduation but I doubt I paid attention to the speakers, being anxious to get on with my future.

It's hard to believe 45 years have passed so quickly (16,425 days). But it is real and here we are preparing to celebrate another reunion.

Let's not forget the 50 plus classmates no longer with us. Our lives have changed especially the last five years. We can not only remember the past, but talk about our surgeries, aches and pains as well as what we have been up to these past years. It will still be great to see and visit as we celebrate 45 years since graduation. Our goals have changed, leisure and travel are always great topics.

Your committee anxiously awaited the 18th of August and another chance to enjoy each other. We are grateful to Lois Bradley Coombs for her work on the class book. Your bios are always interesting and I recommend keeping the book as you travel to see new sun rises and sunsets.

Always feel free to contact our web site at www.elgin62.com. A special thanks to Roger Petersen for creating such a wonderful site for our class.


PS: May our future be bright and pleasant!