Elgin Related Web Sites

For your convenience, here are some Elgin related web sites that may provide a little bit of nostaglia. For those not living in Elgin anymore, you can keep up-to-date on the current status of events.

Other Class Sites
Class of 1971
Community & Culture
Elgin High School - District U-46 (Yes, even they have their own web site!)
Elgin Community Theatre
City of Elgin
Discover Elgin
Elgin Courier News
Elgin Directory
Elgin Convention and Visitors Bureau
Elgin Weather
Gail Borden Library
Elgin Chamber of Commerce
Remember our economics teacher, Mr Alft? Here are two books Elgin: Days Gone By and Elgin: An American History written by E. C. Alft.
Elgin Township
Fox River Trolley Museum